Thursday, November 15, 2007


Last night the Holy Spirit" Restored my soul". It happened quietly; no mighty, rushing wind; no ecstatic utterances; no visions; just a calm reassurance of an unexplainable presence. I was reflecting, momentarily, on the 23rd Psalm and those particular words: "He restores my soul".

How often have I read those words without any expectation that it would actually happen in such a way as this. Like a cool refreshing rain after a long dry spell; that soft, pleasant breeze in the evening after a long day's work in the hot sun, so was this experience of restoration. The entire episode only lasted a few seconds and I was startled by it but yet, there was not doubt about what happened. My soul was restored.

Well, so what? What difference will this experience make over the long haul? All I know is that I had an encounter such as I have never had before and I have a more vital sensitivity to God' presence. But, how will all this affect my day-to-day living? Will this change the way I deal with difficult relationships? Will I be more patient in those times of frustration? Will This event allow me to be more peaceful in times of anxiety? For me, the answers to these questions will be the confirmation, the authentication of the Holy Spirit's work of restoration--- a work still in progress.

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